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Project Based Talent Acquisition (PBTA)

What is project based talent acquisition?

Project based talent acquisition (PBTA) is a framework which helps organizations to get employable candidates to choose from at an entry level while candidates are benefited with apprenticeship opportunity to get exposure in professional environment.

So Why We Do What We Do In PBTA with Apprenticeship?

Some of the statistics below indicate the worsening state of employable manpower requirements. It also indicates the plight of HR managers today.

  • Statistics to ponder about:
    • 83% of 1,400 employers surveyed believe talent attraction and retention is a growing challenge (Allegis Group)
    • 80% cite applicant quality (poor employability skills) as main stumbling block in their talent strategy
    • 94% struggle to screening the prospective candidate for employment
    • 67% companies have undefined employee on-boarding practices
    • 57% employers are worried about worsening upskilling gaps
    • 84% HR leaders agree on professionalism, peer feedback, check-ins and frequent performance appraisal to have positive impact. (SHRM)

How does “PBTA with Apprenticeship “ enhance talent acquisition?

There are many factors which comes into account while a talent takes decision to choose an organization to work with.

In our study we have found that the SMEs are ill prepared for talent acquisition. We work with SMEs to enhance their overall human resource acquisition system.

We do preliminary screening of the frontline candidates on your behalf. We develop an external ecosystem for new employees to embrace professionalism and handle workplace pressure smoothly. We provide weekly OJT on functional and soft skills during their probation to make sure they sustain in the system long enough and perform better.

We also work along for developing a proper system for new employee onboarding and induction program. And If given an opportunity further, we systematize your internal HR processes to attract talents naturally in your organization.

During apprenticeship at probationary stage, our weekly on the job training (OJT) to entry level employees, make sure that they are focused towards achieving business results and are getting aligned properly with your organizational culture.

Deliverable for PBTA

Enrollment for PBTA with apprenticeship

Project Based Talent Acquisition – (PBTA)

Manpower in your organization is just not a short term temporary arrangement.

Companies plan it with us through PBTA as a long-term talent acquisition and management strategy.1

FAQ’s on – Project based talent acquisition

Which type of companies can enroll?


Min. No. of Permanent Employees

Stipend paid

Fixed Min. Stipend to be Paid to Apprentices

OJT with certification

Fixed “OJT” duration with Certification and Job Offer

Are you interested to enroll in PBTA with Apprenticeship?

    1. Our role in PBTA with apprenticeship program is an aggregator. Our intention is to connect industries (SMEs) to Institutions to avail emplayable manpower while help improving employability skills for the bottomline. ↩︎

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