As Per Upskilling/Reskilling Standards

Professional Skill Workshops

Professional Skill Workshops

If you are challenged in skilling, reskilling and upskilling of your team, we are the right people to connect with. Our workshops are for professional etiquette, work productivity and performance enhancement.

    • ROLE TRANSITION (managerial skills)
    • TECHNICAL (MIS, data analytics, and presentation reports)
    • SOFT SKILLS (communication, negotiation, collaboration, and problem-solving)

Our role-transition workshops are well researched, validated and being delivered by the domain experts. We also have a strong mechanism for followups to assess the impacts of the workshop. Kindly go through the procedural details to work together and enquire for TNA.

1. What we do in Professional Workshops?


TNA – Training Need Analysis

program duration

Prepare Instructional Design

Training Delivery and Feedbacks

2. How do we deliver the modules?

Customized Workshop Design

Activity-based Training Module

Standardized Expert Delivery

3. What is the procedure for training assignment?

training enquiry

Training Enquiry received

TNA Conducted with proposal approval

Delivery for Training Scheduled

4. How do we ensure quality?

Customized Instructional Design for Training Delivery

mode of training

Engage Tactics, Technology Tools, and Standardization

skills for change

Standardized Material, Domain Expert, and Feedback

Are you interested in Professional Skill Workshops? enquire below.

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